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Reliable service, solid partnership

Fraud detection and prevention. Realized that our entire team from Customer Service to Shipping and Logistics became more productive and in sync in tackling additional customer verification

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Un socio primordial e inestimable

Gestionan todos los controles antifraude. No tenemos que revisar los pedidos manualmente. También nos ayudan a controlar el abuso en devoluciones: gracias a ellos, ahora podemos rastrear a los clientes que abusan de nuestra política de devolución y, eventualmente, bloquearlos.

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Fraud Prevention At It’s Finest

We’re protecting ourselves from fraudulent orders through our e-commerce store. Fraudulent orders are almost nonexistent now and we’re covered just in case with Signifyd.

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Streamlined our Fraud Detection and Chargeback Process

Our pass-through rate has improved without any degradation of the customer experience. A big plus is also that we’re now hands-off chargeback responses. All we had to do was provide a CRM link; it was that easy. I also would say our support experience led by Sean Has been beyond our expectations. He provides valuable…

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Signifyd has put a stop to fraud orders.

Before Signifyd, I tried to catch fraud orders on my own. I had minimal tools and plenty of fraud orders got right past me. The people placing the fraud orders were constantly perfecting their game and they were better at the game than me. When we first hired Signifyd, I looked at the some of…

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