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Peace of mind for ecommerce businesses

Signifyd gives our clients who have a high fraud rate peace of mind knowing that they’re covered from chargebacks and other fraudulent orders. A lot of customers don’t understand fraud prevention so having fraud prevention seamlessly integrate is very helpful for us as a business.

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A Signifyd Review

Fraud protection and detection. Reducing the bandwidth of staff who typically deal with fraud is the real benefit.

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Wonderful Chargeback Recovery Tool

We’ve been able to reduce the number of overall fraudulent chargebacks. Unfortunately all online stores run the risk of selling to untrustworthy individuals, but since implementing Signifyd I have been able to review/organize these problem orders so they no longer affect our bottom line.

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Great service and support – Highly recommend Signifyd

Beyond fraud protection, Signifyd also tells you in advance when a customer could be a risk. By doing customer authentication, Signifyd will tell you in advance when a potential customer is a risk. You can use this information to access different scenarios for the client themselves.

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